Discovering Albania
Ulysses Foundation release for the first time the earliest recordings ever made among Albanians.
mozaik is an Albanian-Austrian Project, started from 2007 until 2013.
This Project, aims to support pedagogues and students, coming from all art and music genres as well as professional artists and musicians facing them with the new requires and methods of music and art pedagogy. These new pedagogy requires and methods, should be the principal focus of the mozaik editions. Workshops and discussions as well as concerts during the project execution should built a framework, were solutions and new approaches are worked on. Music and art students will be in the main focus of the project. A well-coordinated team of professors and artists will conduct the participants in a wide range of pedagogical possibilities and offerings.
Austria: Ernst Kovacic, Johannes Maria Staud, Harald Ossberger, Rudolf Pietsch,Michael Lipp, Georg Wachs, Fani Vovoni, Emi Alicka-Ebhardt
Albania: Hajg Zacharian, Jusuf Beshiri, Daorsa Dervishi, Driada Jani, Kamerata e Tiranes, Ethem Qerimi, Jehona Labe, Mark Luli, Pjeter Guralumi, Arben Llozi.
Greece: Dimitris Kountouras
Contemporary Music Ensemble, Chamber Music, Early Music Ensemble, Mime for actors, Piano, Composition, Folk Music Ensemble.
Participation: 74 Students
6 concerts
Stift St. Paul Sommerakademie and "Glatt und verkehrt"
Violin: Romina Tafaj, Kledis Rexho
Clarinet: Ardian Neziri
Contrabass: Evis Cara
Partners for the realization:
University of Arts Tirana, Artistic Lyceum "Jan Kukuzeli" Durres,
Theater "Aleksander Moisi" Durres, Archeological Museum of Durres,
Library of Durres, Artists Association of Durres, Childrens Home Durres.
Press & Media:
Revista KULT, Rlilindja Demokratike, Koha Jone, Gazeta 55, Gazeta Sot, Metropol, Bulevard, Standard, Gazeta Shqip, Shekulli, Gazeta shqiptare.
Federal Ministry Republic of Austria European and International Affairs, Foundation Dr. Peter Mahringer Austria, Austrian Embassy Tirana, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports Albania, Municipality of Durres, Raiffeisenbank Albanina, Austrian Airlines, Porsche Albania, Mak Olympic,