Discovering Albania
Ulysses Foundation release for the first time the earliest recordings ever made among Albanians.
April 2012, Tirane
The 100th anniversary of Albanian independence and the Second Symposium of the ICTM Study Group for Multipart Music presented very welcome occasions for the Ulysses Foundation to release for the first time the earliest recordings ever made among Albanians. They were conducted in 1903, during Ottoman rule, and contain music still performed today. These witnesses of a bygone age emphasize the particular significance local music obtains for the distinctiveness of communities in the face of historical and political upheavals, which have been experienced often enough by Albanians.
The recordings are hosted at the Berlin Phonogram Archive, which is also home to a collection from a milestone expedition in 1957. Above all, this expedition made it possible for the first time to create an overview of local musical practices in the country. In addition, it built bridges between the existing knowledge on earlier and later practices. This debut presentation enables insights into changes and occurrences within musical genres and/or geographical areas, thus improving our understanding with regard to their contemporary status.